Saturday, October 28, 2006

Last stabs at Halloween

In honor of the holiday I posted some stuff I found in an old sketchbook.

As for my costume, I am going as an outpatient. See, I had a procedure this past Friday and while I was laying there wistfully riding out my valium in the recovery room, it occured to me that if I stole the hospital gown, hospital socks, and kept my information bracelets on I had the beginnings of a possibly fun get-up. Add to that the fact that the nurses inexplicably left three of those vital sign monitoring patches on me and then a trip to Walgreen's (evil evil!) for a cheap make-up kit to draw a scar with lots of fun stitches down the middle of my face and voila! I am ready to party!


Anonymous said...

Swell group of creeps! Roosterman is on the job, torch in hand I see as well. And Kid Icarus? (ha) I know, it's Michael or some other bad ass angel!

Your "costume" was great - Kendra even muttered yesterday how impressed she was with your effort!


Unknown said...

HE ! HE! Wicked cool set of characters!!