Monday, October 02, 2006

Fish fishy go?

I had so much fun doing The Mummy, that I wanted to see what I could do in the 45 minutes before bed.


Via said...

Wonderful self-portrait!

Unknown said...

HA ! HA !! HA !! This is brilliant! Love the mummy too!

georg said...

I like your style with weird and great details - superb!

Dee said...

Guess who had bad sushi last night! heheee...
Great stuff! The mummy is awesome. Good to hear from you too! Cheers!

Joy Eliz said...

sometimes I feel like this when I look in the mirror! fantastic art work!

justinpatrickparpan said...

Oh, this is sick. Kind of reminds me of that feeling you get when you wake up late at night and look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Your kind of awake, kind of not, and your brain starts to drift--no what I mean?

Swell work, Sir Bonkers!